What can I expect on a Sunday morning?

We would encourage you to come early (or stay late) on Sunday to visit our Cafe and meet some new people. We are a fairly casual church so feel free to leave the suit at home. Our service will include music, announcements, preaching, prayer, taking up an offering, and communion. We also will ask everyone present to fill out a Communication Card, which asks for basic information and allows you to give feedback, ask questions, list prayer needs, and request more information about a variety of things.

What can I expect for my kids?

Our church offers several options for your children. For infants, it is preferred they stay with their parents for the duration of your visit. For your convenience, we do have an Infant Room at the back of the auditorium so that parents may care for their children there if necessary and still see and hear the service.

We also have a Toddler Room open from 10:30am – noon for kids who can walk well up to Pre-Kindergarten. They may be cared for by our staff during this time.

Children in Kindergarten up to grade 5 are part of our BFC Kids! ministry, which takes place the full duration of the service. This ministry includes kids worship music as well as age-appropriate Bible learning, games, snacks, crafts, puppet shows, and more. Children from K-grade 5 must be dropped off and picked up by parents.

*The safety of your children is important to us. We require all staff working with children to undergo a criminal background check prior to any involvement at the church. Additionally, you will need to register your child and can only pick them up after the service by presenting a custom ID tag. For more information, click the link above titled “What We Do”.

What ministries does Bible Fellowship offer?

We offer a variety of services at our church. To view some of them, use the link above titled “What We Do”.

What denomination is Bible Fellowship?

We have partnered ourselves with the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (AGC). For more on what we believe as a church, click here.